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Document Analysis Worksheets Primary documents, Primary

Search the online collections Use the search box at the top of the Library of Congress home page. A few tips: When researching about Mona Lisa, Duchamp's work would be considered a secondary source because he took the original primary source and added some hairy details to give it a new meaning. L.H.O.O.Q. by Marcel Duchamp (1919) is considered to be a secondary source when researching about Mona Lisa. 2021-03-31 · Other BU Databases Containing Primary Source Material Periodicals Archive Online A full text archive of millions of articles published in more 700 magazines, and journals in the humanities and social sciences, in English and other Western European languages.

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Primary source

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If a topic has a Primary Source, you’ll see the Primary Source tile on the topic page. To view the Primary Source … 2021-03-14 In the humanities, a primary source could be defined as something that was created either during the time period being In the social sciences, the definition of a primary source would be expanded to include numerical data that has been In the natural sciences, a primary source could be A secondary source is a work that interprets or analyzes an historical event or period after the event has occurred and, generally speaking, with the use of primary sources. The same document, or other piece of evidence, may be a primary source in one investigation and secondary in another. 2020-03-30 · What Is a Primary Source? Characteristics of Primary Sources. There are a couple of factors that can qualify an artifact as a primary source. The When to Use Primary Sources.
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Primary source

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Real-time, chat reference service is provided by reference staff from various academic libraries. Define primary source. primary source synonyms, primary source pronunciation, primary source translation, English dictionary definition of primary source. A direct source of information or research, a document not emended by a third party.
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